szombat, március 17, 2007

Thriller, the evil of the

Hello? Is it too late to get out of this contract?

You know, I think Sandra Bullock is a crap actress, but she seems nice and she looks like she makes a decent effort, so I usually watch her movies -- then afterwards I ask myself why I give a damn whether she makes a living or not. Anyway, Premonition is such a bad movie it makes you appreciate the fine writing on the ABC stinker, Lost. And contrary to what the TV trailers say, most critics were less than thrilled about this flick. In fact, the vast majority hated it. Flames. On the side of their faces.

So how do these movies and TV shows get financed?? Do the writers sleep with the network execs? Do they have some serious dirt on them? I think what happens is that the execs know that people will fall for the hype and will go see the movie on the opening weekend, and afterwards, it's too late. The money's in the coffers and the execs giggle all the way to the bank. See, things would be different if class action suits against movie studios were more commonplace. If all of us who went to see this movie got together, sued for false advertising, and demanded our money back plus 1.3 million for emotional distress, these things might not happen so often.

Got killer thriller? Email the ghouls of ENN at eza_news at

csütörtök, március 15, 2007

Same, the song remains the