csütörtök, május 18, 2006
Magyarul, csak egy kicsit beszélek
Hungarian is a beautiful language, and one that for all intents and purposes, I am not fluent in. I mean, I do know some words, phrases, expressions and whatnot, but I have no substantive knowledge of the language, for many many reasons I won't go into. My parents speak it to each other sometimes (and very fast too when they don't want me or my brothers to understand a single word!), and my dad uses it with his parents and friends, but I never really made an effort to acquire it. Shameful, yes, I know. I have it pencilled in for some time in the future. Promise. In the meantime, my brothers, cousins, friends and I communicate in our version of Hunglish, which consists of inserting magyar words and expressions into English sentences. Bonus points are added for mixing up the two grammars. This works for us and has the unintended (or so we claim) effect of completely driving our elders crazy.