Satellite photo shows a magyar-slovak scuffle near the town of Rajka...Yeah, they do look like ants from up here.
Previously, on Them Apples:
Generic slovak: you came to slovakia one by one and soon you will try to get land???
And now, the continuation:
Pssst! Anon, werwolfSSlovakia and all of you silly little slovak boys and girls: you might want to STFU about magyars moving to your area of Hungary, getting land and blah blah blah blah, because you guys are doing the exact same thing. We've caught you, on camera. We have pictures taken by our ENN (Stomping Down Peace Wherever It Rears Its Ugly Antennae) satellite, which is currently in a parking orbit right above Greater Hungary (aka Europe). Don't think we're not on to you, babies. By moving to the nicer part of Hungary, you risk magyarization (gasp!! she used the M word!). You know, that thing Da Boozer is always foaming at the mouth about. We've perfected the process and now it is much subtler and involves rich and chocolatey desserts. But don't forget you will also be subjected to a virtual smorgasbord (yeah, like I know where the diacritics go on that...gimme a break) of suffixes and agglutination. Pretty soon you will be screaming: Czech, please!!!!
Enter at your own risk, dudes.