When we were kids, my parents had us take naps. We hated them. And now, when we want to take naps, we can't, because they're not officially accepted as A Good Thing (sorry, Martha, just borrowing). Why is that? This article says that "evidence is mounting" that sleeping, even napping, is excellent. Notice also how this article actually supports sleeping a little late in the mornings, something many of us who get up at the crack of dawn and scramble downstairs to get a croissant and lawsuit-worthy hot coffee would really appreciate.
Thanks to power-napper Leslie for leading us to this article about the new Japanese napping craze. ENN (Bringing You the Latest in Snoozing News), would like this new fad to cross over to the US already. I printed the article and gave it to one of my professors, who replied with a snarky "Ha!" and a look in his eyes like Ben from Lost reserves for idiots like Jack. Or Kate. Or Sawyer. Don't come to me when Japan rules the US, dude.
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