vasárnap, június 11, 2006
Cup, watching the World
It's a big thing around here. My dad even got one of those large plasma TVs to put in the den so we can watch the games in high resolution and not miss a single detail. Next best thing to actually being on the ref's shoulders, I tell you.
So there's a whole bunch of people here: relatives, friends, a couple of neighbors. Everyone's riveted to the Cup, and in solidarity with the players (who surely get hungry and thirsty running around for 90 minutes) eating and drinking to beat the band. My mother's making lángos like she's a lángos factory on alert. Tip: try brushing them with garlic-infused oil. To die for. There are all kinds of food spread on the table, and it's not even lunch time.
Here's a really awesome drink Sára (she's Attila's girlfriend) made yesterday :
Get a light, fruity red wine (it can even come from a big deal.. Word to the wise: avoid using your dad's Tokaji wine except in dire emergencies. He'll hit the roof). Then get the juice of 2 limes, 1/3 cup of sugar, ice, and lime wedges or garnish. In a large pitcher combine the lime juice and the sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add the wine and stir. Pour the wine cooler over ice in chlled wine glasses and garnish with a wedge of lime.
This stuff is very good! This recipe serves about 6 to 8 people, so we quadrupled it. The more you drink of it, the less you care who wins or loses. We're making another batch of this thing today.