Tokaj wines are supposed to be some of the best wines in the world. There's a site that describes one of their wines thusly:
TOKAJI ASZU 6 Puttonyos (Oremus) -- The Ultimate Tokaj Experience. Luscious rich, a symphony of flavors ranging from violet-scented chestnuts to apricot and honey. The finish is seemingly never ending, the experience is so intense that it can produce "instant recall" weeks later. Every wine lover should taste this true nectar.
That's some wine, huh? Instant recall. Weeks later. And what are violet-scented chestnuts? Today I was buying a cup of green tea, and I was reading a sign for coffee from Ethiopia. The sign said the coffee had a "blueberry syrup finish." What the hell is that?? I want coffee that tastes like coffee, not blueberries. And why do people discuss coffee in wine terms? "It has a good nose." "A delicate finish." It's just coffee, people. Bean juice. But I digress.
Here's another description, not as lyrical, but still colorful (or rather, fruit-ful):
Oremus 1999 "Mandolás" Tokaji Furmint Dry -- This clear, brass-color wine presents rich and complex aromas of white fruit and butter, with almonds and hazelnuts as subtle background notes. Medium-bodied, fresh and tart, it's more youthful on the palate than the nose: juicy tropical fruit balanced by mouth-watering acidity, with snappy lemons in a very long finish.
This is one snappy, tarty wine. The term "mouth-watering acidity" is not enticing me to buy the wine, to be honest, and I don't like a wine that smells like butter. This one's listed for $9. Not bad. My dad buys the ones that go from $80 to over $300, for a better PTSD experience.
Anyway, Tokaj wines are supposed to be exquisite, legendary. I don't know. The ones my dad has taste too fruity to me. Which is why I got a bottle of the stuff to make the wine cooler, which caused a tsunami of righteous ire in my dad, who thinks it is heresy, nay, treason, to use this wine for sangria-like stuff. In my defense, I will say it was the only fruity wine I could find in the house. It's not my fault if he only buys expensive, lengendary wines that cause instant recall. How about buying some cheap Zinfadel every so often? I'd be happy to steal that.