The Hoos are in hot water again, and again over the comics section of The Cavalier Daily. In response to the cartoon featured above, the editor caught quite a lot of flak from the Catholic community, who thought the offering was not so much artistic as offensive and wanted the paper to publish an apology, which they will do when Hell freezes over, pigs fly, or Britney Spears becomes president of Mensa, whichever happens first.
The staff of ENN (We Love Pi) can't figure out what this cartoon is supposed to satirize. Math? Christianity? Jesus? The Crucifixion? We have spent countless hours thinking about this. OK, 15 minutes in between classes, but we think hard in a short time. It's called efficiency, dawgs. Alas, we haven't figured this out yet, mainly because our brains are fried from trying to understand the subtleties of I Love Budapest. Or it might be because we in the Northeast just don't get southern humor, y'all. Even so, we raise a shot of plum juice to the Cavalier Daily's editor for defending the First Amendment.
Some random people whose authority on these matters is highly questionable have suggested that the joke might be that someone is sure to complain simply because of the fact that a religious icon is depicted. "Hey, dude, check this out! I drew a Jesus, right, and he's on a cross, right, but it's not really a cross, ok, but a cartesian plane! But hey, dude, here's the thing: the Christians are gonna hate this, dude, and they're gonna be bitching about it! Isn't that, like, totally cool and hilarious?"
Whatever. What's important is we all got the right to print stuff, m'k? Don't like it? Move to Slovakia. To quote the immortal Cartman: screw you guys, I'm going home.
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