Those? Why, they're water pills.
According to AP (Way Inferior to ENN), Hungarian border guards on Thursday detained two Slovaks (a man and a woman) smuggling 16,000 tablets of steroids into Upper Hungary (which the Slovaks refer to as "Slovakia"). According to the same release, "the two people drew attention to themselves because of their confused behavior." On the off chance that these people might be related to Jan "Da Boozer" Slota, who displays confused behavior in between bouts of snarling bigotry, the border guards decided to play it safe and employ the services of a drug-sniffing dog.
ENN (We're Here to Pump You Up) has discovered that, contrary to the rumor that the goods were located in the smugglers' backsides, along with a couple of cell phones and a loaded .38, they were in fact hidden between the back seat and the gas tank of the car, at least according to border guard spokeswoman Katalin Pokorny Ilauiszki. The dog confirms these findings.
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