- Bandannas are good -- You know, my friend Tyler is right. You can't ever have enough bandannas.
- Some cops are very rude -- Do they import these from New York?
- Some cops are very polite -- See? It actually CAN be done!
- Some people like to climb onto high places and then startle innocent bystanders by just dropping into the conversation. WTF? Yell "fore" or "incoming" or whatever. Yeah, you know who you are.
- If the forecast predicts water cannon, showering is pointless.
- Some people seem to love handing out flags.
- The four flags we got (see above) can be arranged into several different political statements.
- Some people like to use porta-potties as barricades. Some of us who really need to go to the bathroom deeply decry that behavior.
- Some people don't seem to remember that old adage: "curiosity got the cat kicked and handcuffed."
- Manyleventydred people in the streets, a lot of them with cell phones and cameras. Clearly part of one of those Disaster & Civil Unrest Travel Agencies, Inc. tours.
- Overheard: "This is way better than the floods." I'm not making this up.
- What's with all the Chinese?
- Some people have an amazing ability to be flirty in the weirdest of circumstances.
- The small world effect is real. Turns out ABC's "Lost" may not be so far-fetched after all (in that area...let's not push it).
- Thanks to whoever decided to print "rendőrség/police" on the cops' jackets. Otherwise it would be very easy to mistake them for a large group of men wearing matching riot gear, who like to control crowds and arrest people. Those who speak neither English nor Hungarian may still be wondering who all those baton-wielding guys were and what was up with the sirens and the rubber bullets.
- Who leaves gas in a exhibition tank's tank? And don't these things have locks or something?
Got anarchy? Contact the rabble-rousing staff of ENN @ eza_news @ yahoo.com