To infinity and beyond!
It was a long time coming, but it's finally here: Hungarians are going to space. Charles Simonyi, the software dude, will be the next rich guy to go visit the international space station. Clearly not being one to hold a grudge over such silly little things as Stalinism, he's hitching a ride with two Russian cosmonauts who will be flying a Soyuz TMA10 to the station next year. And he may be bringing goodies prepared by domestic guru and former prison inmate Martha Stewart, who probably makes a mean borscht and is sure to also provide the finest vodka, crafted in her own estate by her very own slave staff. Way to go, Chuckie! As many of your countrypeople contemplate what could possibly be a very stark winter with no money to pay the heating bills, they will derive some warmth from the fact that you're using your fortune for the important things in life.
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