Last week Dr. Nicholas Bartha blew up his New York home (with himself inside) rather than turn the proceeds of the sale to his wife, with whom he'd gone through a Trump-esque divorce. Despondent, withdrawn, suicidal, and rather loopy, as his 14-page email to the media suggests, Dr. Bartha was apparently on a fast train to doom, in a state of mind that had apparently started years ago when he began leaving swastikas around for his Jewish wife to find. Since he was apparently part Jewish himself, this is just another branch of the bizarre tree. The Sun Sentinel ran a story that covers some of the stranger than fiction aspects of the Barthas' life. You know there's going to be a movie about this case, and most probably a Law & Order episode too.
We've all heard people use the expression "over my dead body." Dr. Bartha must've taken this literally. He is now dead, and his wife gets the loot.
And did we mention he was of Hungarian origin? "Ah, well, that illuminates things a smidge," I hear the cyinical, sarcastic observers of magyar nature among you remark. But beyond being an extreme example of the dark side of the magyar character, this terrible tragedy serves as evidence that marriage and money don't always mix well. Just ask Ivana. The story also contains a caveat for the Galactic Ruminant Empire: don't mess with us. While generally inoffensive, we know how to blow things up.