So now that the 'rents are back, the Maternal Unit can once more return to her Sunday breakfast making duties, which will make many a take out joint owner cry, as their earnings will go down considerably from last week. Because see, I'm not so much into cooking, so when my parents were in Europe, we had so much takeout here that we got phone calls from the governors of two states thanking us for all we're doing for the economy.
So it's back to the Sunday brunch ritual. My mom makes Hungarian food on Sundays, and just like the Coneheads, we consume massive quantities. Most people are familiar with that old story people of the female persuasion tell their kids: "Don't leave food on your plate. Do you know how many people are starving in the world?" We take that to heart. Interestingly enough, we're not overweight at all. My theory, and I haven't proven this yet, though I plan to do some field research very soon, is that pálinka cancels out calories. Stay tuned for my groundbreaking paper on the matter. It will definitely change the way you diet.
A good way to start your breakfast is with a glass of plum juice, and there's one right there in the photo. Plums are very healthy, so my dad, being as much as he is into health stuff, likes to drink a little glass of plum juice, very much like the one in the picture, in the mornings. On Sundays we all follow his lead, and let me tell you, that little glass of plum juice sure makes you see the world in rosier colors. Plus like I said, it cancels out calories. As soon as I get my grant, I will be happy to demonstrate this in a scientific way. I already have several volunteers for my study, but in the meantime, just take my word for it.