Dacian Dope backs down? EZA News hasn't been able to properly confirm this report, which comes to our main newsdesk from not-alert-enough reader and Central European correspondent A.J., who really needs to cut down on the booze.
According to A.J., Alexandru Duţă (the 21-year-old programmer from Timisoara whose name so wonderfully rhymes with a rude Spanish expression that basically questions the legitimacy of his birth), has announced that he's removed the anti-magyar mission from the game. EZA News has been unable to determine the reason behind this move, but folks in our studio audience conclude that Alex is a sad and spineless geek who, when the going gets tough, chickens out and runs home to mama.
Who you gonna zap now, Alex? Gypsies?
The Hungarian Rebel Army (HuRrAh) is standing down for the moment and enjoying a bit of well-deserved R&R.