On the comments section of the previous post, deep thinking reader AJ posted:
So if you are a "quarter Jewish," born in Romania and speak Romanian, and you live in the United States for most of your life, but have a Hungarian-sounding name and speak Hungarian, are you still a Hungarian? The answer, of course, is whether you feel Hungarian.
That's a damn good question, AJ. I have a Hungarian name, am 3/4 Hungarian, was born in the US, speak English, have a 100% Hungo dad and a mostly Hungo mom, date a Hungo dude (does feeling up a Hungarian count?), speak Spanish (though not as well as I thought, given I have a really hard time understanding some Spanish blogs), speak some Hungarian (enough to make a lot of grammar mistakes and maul a lovely language, to the ire of my apa), and love pálinka. How Hungarian do I feel? Hmmmm....I guess it would depend on the day and on how annoying (or annoyingly Hungarian) my dad is on that day. When he goes all magyar on my ass (not literally, you sickos), I tend to scream "If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!!" and then at other times I'm waving the red white and green (does the red field stand for paprika?). A deep question indeed, AJ. You are a philosopher, dude.
Update: Patriotic reader Sára informs me that the Hungarian flag colors mean the following:
Red -- strength
White -- faithfulness
Green -- hope
So there you have it.