I think there should be an HTML tag for sarcasm. This way people who aren't native English speakers would understand that this post is not favorable to Johnny B. (rumors that the B. stands for Butthead have not yet been confirmed) or his game. I was a little puzzled by some feedback, until I realized there had been a misunderstanding, at least on the part of the Hungo nationals. Ironically, the Rumanians got I was trashing them. Ha ha.
To summarize/clarify:
I do not support the rewriting of history.
I love Hungarians. I'm part Hungarian. I live with a bunch of Hungarians. I date a Hungarian!
I know what belongs to whom.
I know the Rumanian government lies. "Masters of mendacity" means they're masters of lies.
I think Johnny B. is an idiot.
I think Johnny B.'s game is crap.
I think Ceauşescu deserved what he got.
I do not hate the Rumanians in general.
I despise those who rewrite history.
I despise those who incite to hatred.
If you think calling me "bozgor bitch" will intimidate me, you are stupider than cabbage. Boiled cabbage at that.
I spell it "Rumanian" on purpose. If the Rumanian government and/or its flock of believers have a problem with it, give back what you stole and then we can talk. Otherwise, suck it up.
and finally:
Ceauşescu is still dead. Party on!