péntek, augusztus 25, 2006

Y, ours is not to wonder

Your millennia are numbered, Y. Muahahahahahah.

In his book "Adam's Curse," geneticist Bryan Sikes writes that the Y chromosome is dying out, and in 125,000 years there may be no more men. I conducted informal interviews of classmates, friends, and others, asking them what they thought of this stunning revelation by the author of "The Seven Daughters of Eve," and received a mixed bag of responses that may or may not be in any way significant to human society. Here's a representative sample:

-What? And who's going to not ask for directions then?
-Big deal. Tell me the bastards will all die off next week and I might actually cheer.
- Oh well. All good things must come to an end, I guess.
-WHAT?? You're telling me all the women on Earth will be making out with one another and there will be no men to watch them? That's just so unfair.
- Not soon enough. Does he mention if there's a way we can help the process along?
-Since my kind is going to become extinct, I might as well enjoy myself while I can. I'm skipping class and going to get drunk and pick up skanks. See ya.
-That's just too long to wait. I'm sure there's something we can put in the water that'll kill the little shits in a week. A month, tops. I'm changing my major and going into chem.
--[observes a group of jock types performing idiotic stunts to catch the girls' attention] Well, their brain cells died eons ago, so I guess this was to be expected.
-OK, then. Let's enjoy them while we can.
-Oh, I'm so sad. I'm so going to miss all the wars and the crime. Whatever shall I do? [laughs and walks away]
-Hey, I won't be around, so I honestly don't care. I'm still here, and that's all I care about. You seeing someone, by the way?
-First, Pluto is not a planet. Now, men will die out. Jesus, what next? It's a depressing century to live in, I tell you.

Got a cock and bull story? Email eza_news at yahoo.com.