szerda, szeptember 27, 2006

Gun, Gyula got a

Macska, ENN's chief of security

Anybody wanna run for office in Hungary? As luck would have it, a slot has recently become available in Somogy. Szabó Gyula had to withdraw his candidature on account of his having shot a man. Surprisingly, this appears to automatically disqualify him for office, even though the man was already dead, at least according to the headline. The now dead-for-sure guy had allegedly been blackmailing Szabó, and is therefore referred to as "an entrepreur" in the article. Anyone interested in a career in the exciting world of Hungo politics has about 2.5 days to put together a campaign. Lying is optional, but it has proven to work in the past.

Got ammo? Email ENN's Guns'n'Gulyás Division at eza_news @